Papers and other information in PDF are not available at this website (except for one paper by Mr. Vegas that was erroneously not included in the CDrom). You will have to order the CD-rom to obtain the papers of the conference and other information. However, you can look through the contents here.
The book of abstracts can be downloaded here (pdf, 1.4 MB)


Lyon, France
3 - 5 June 2009

WASCON is the reference international conference on the issue of integration of secondary raw  materials  in the field of civil engineering.
During the first editions of WASCON (every 3 years), i.e. 1991, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, contributions from France and other Southern European countries (Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece) have increased. The period 1995-2000 was the most productive considering that during this period, French scientists and industrialists were very active in the field of waste stabilization, with two international conferences organized for this topic : Nancy95 and Stab&Env Lyon99.
Given the importance of research and development underway at this time in the field of recovery of alternative materials in civil engineering and the significant involvement of industry, producers, eco-industries or operators of civil engineering, it was  a good opportunity to highlight, at a European and international level, the role of the research and development teams.
This organization has been possible thanks  to the strong mobilization of both the scientific and industrial communities...
WASCON 2009 in LYON: University of Lyon is  the most important research and teaching centre in France in the field of Environment. Moreover, waste recycling is the main topic of research of laboratories of INSA Lyon (member of Lyon University) for more than 35 years. Most of the assessment procedures in the waste management field have been developed in this University. In the framework of EEDEMS (French research network on waste and polluted materials management) five of the main French research public bodies in this field (INSA Lyon-CSTB-ENTPE-BRGM-ENSMSE) work together in a research network and on a technological platform allowing experimentations on waste recycling in civil engineering in pilot scale scenarios  in close collaboration with industry.
Lyon is also a wonderful cultural and historical place… known to be also one of  the best gastronomic destinations in the world !







WASCON 2009 proceedings

  • Oral presentations
  • Posters

1. Methodology and Policies for Environmental assessment

2. Application of percolation tests

3. Industrial feedback