WASCON 2006Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro 30 May - 2 June 2006
The sixth International Conference on the Environmental and Technical Implications of Construction with Alternative Materials "WASCON 2006” has been held in Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 30 May - 2 June 2006.
The environmental legislation in the building industry, and how to meet these in daily practice, is the main topic of this WASCON conference. In every country the same problem exist; exchange of knowledge and of technology is the answer.
After having five conferences in Western Europe, we now visit Serbia and Montenegro. We stimulate and coordinate the meeting with WASCON delegates and West Balkan experts and students.
All conference activities took place in Belgrade in the SAVA CENTER. The combination of good things of Serbia and Montenegro and the quality of the program provided the ingredients for a memorable and enjoyable event. The conference will stimulate exchange of knowledge between participants and it will build bridges between experts for the future.
Belgrade is the capital of Serbia, having around 1.6 million residents. It is situated where the Sava River joints the Danube. Belgrade is one of the oldest cities in Europe and, beside Athens, the largest city in the Balkan Peninsula. During its long history, 40 armies conquered Belgrade. 38 times it has been re-built from the ashes. Reuse is the subject; therefore, Belgrade is the right place to talk about this.
| Sponsors:
Recycled Materials Resource Center
ATM Moerdijk More information on ATM...
Schreurs Milieuconsult Leaching course
- Oral presentations
- Posters
1. Workshop / training LEACHXs
ECN - Vanderbilt- DHI
2. Workshop PASSIFy
3. Workshop leaching organic contaminants